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The Bentley groups (Bentley Restaurant, Yellow, and Monopole) latest venue CIRRUS is in prime location at the Sydney’s new Barangaroo development. This is the group’s first seafood restaurant concept and their first time bringing in an outside designer to work on branding menus & signage. After meeting with the architects and seeing their concept, we focused on the unusual architectural structure and their use of vertical wooden rods as screens as well as ceiling feature.  As the venue facade is all glass, we wanted to replicate this in the signage (as well as incorporate the timber rods hanging from the roof). We were unable to have an external signage due to the leasing agents, so we decided to hang our custom lighting box with glass face and exposed fluorescent tubers internally—next to the restaurant entrance. The heavy industrial frame is a custom-made metal box that matches the internal metal work within the venue.

The menu images shown are the front and back of the main menu. The front is broken down into sections, as per chefs’ way of clearly showing these groups, The rear is a deconstructed, minimalist reference to the floor plans of the venue. We want the menu to have impact and stand apart from the other venues of the Bentley group, as well as at Barangaroo, so we printed on a heavy stock paper slightly under A3 in size. The drinks book is not shown as we have not time to shoot this item and upload we will soon.

Branding and Design Work:
Environmental | Hospitality | Print 

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Branding and Design Work